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A Symphony of Gratitude: Reflection from Dr. Sardi and Our 2023 Impact Report

Check out this letter from PFCCAP President and Co-Founder, Dr. Armando Sardi, MD, FACS, highlighting our work and sharing our "2023 Impact Report".


Dear members and supporters of PFCCAP,


As we reflect on the past year, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude for the incredible work that PFCCAP has accomplished. Together, we have made a profound impact on the lives of individuals affected by cancer and taken significant strides toward our mission of providing early detection, education, and support for patients with cancer.

Over the course of the last 12 years, we have faced numerous challenges and uncertainties. However, our unwavering commitment and dedication have propelled us forward, enabling us to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Today, we can proudly state that PFCCAP has become a beacon of hope and a symbol of excellence in cancer care and prevention.


Our most significant achievement over the years has been the successful implementation and sustainable continuation of early detection programs for breast and cervical cancers. Through our tireless efforts, we have ensured that the community we work in has easy access to vital screening services, ultimately saving lives through early intervention. Additionally, in 2023, our vaccination program for the human papillomavirus (HPV) has achieved an outstanding 94% coverage rate in our partnering school, an accomplishment that speaks volumes about our collective impact on public health.


Moreover, our collaborative work with groups in Colombia has resulted in the development of a self-sustainable program that serves as an example for the city of Cali and the entire country. The government’s interest in expanding our program to other regions is a testament to the effectiveness and transformative power of our initiatives. By addressing challenges through education and quality control, we continue to refine and enhance our services, ensuring that we are providing the best possible care to those who need it most.


In 2023, we embarked on a new endeavor - the establishment of the Abdominal Cancers Alliance (ACA) in the United States. This initiative aims to be the central hub for education and connections to resources available for abdominal cancers, including the life savings Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (CRS/HIPEC) treatment option. While there is still much work to be done, I am confident that our collective efforts will pave the way to improve outcomes and a brighter future for patients with abdominal cancers.

None of these accomplishments would have been possible without the unwavering support and generosity of our compassionate supporters. On behalf of the entire PFCCAP team, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your contributions, both financial and in-kind, have fueled our mission and empowered us to make a lasting impact in the lives of countless individuals. It is your commitment and belief in our cause that drive us forward, even in the face of adversity. 


As we move into the future, I am filled with optimism and excitement for what lies ahead. Together, we will continue to be at the forefront of cancer care and prevention, advocating for patients and families, and driving innovation in the field. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the best available information, resources, and support of those affected by breast, cervical, and abdominal cancers.


Once again, thank you for all your unwavering support and dedication. It is because of you that PFCCAP will always be there in the time of need - offering hope, compassion, and a path towards a brighter future.


It is with great pride I get to share our 2023 Impact Report with you all.

With deep gratitude and best wishes,


Armando Sardi, MD, FACS

President and Co-Founder

Partners For Cancer Care and Prevention

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